
Docu: (S)election code

Het onthullen van een geheim dat zo cruciaal is voor het voortbestaan van Amerika dat het politieke partijen overstijgt. Het gaat niet om het corrigeren van het verleden. Het gaat om het corrigeren van de toekomst. Je laat nooit meer een machine in de buurt van je stem komen.

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One thought on “Docu: (S)election code
  1. Zeker als dit in de toekomst ligt verholen = Do you really know what’s ahead where you are developing for?????

    WEF: ‘Solid, Rational Reasons’ to Implant Microchips in Kids

    Claiming “augmented reality” technology “has the ability to transform society and individual lives,” the World Economic Forum recently suggested there are “solid,” “rational” and “ethical” reasons to consider implanting children with microchips.

    The WEF/NWO want to, not help humankind at all, rather they want to control humanity like insects in a hive, or mindless automatons. We’ve clearly seen these past two years how they are implementing their oppression and control of everyone everywhere (those that survive their genocide, no less than billions over the next decade), by forcibly imposing their concept of the evolved, in actuality enslaved, state of humanity which is to integrate man with machines then AI manipulate them like characters in a VR game.

    It is and has been a covert agenda of which we have no right to criticize or express concern, or suffer the consequences. It is wholly oppressive, sadistically cruel and deadly.

    And here, they plan on starting with children. All along, I’ve observed and often claimed that, in particular, they’re targeting children. As well, I suggest that the already innumerable vaccine injured children (e.g. 1/32 children with autism) was intentional getting parents to go along with this terrible assault on humanity by claiming that, with neuro chip implants, they can reverse their child’s neurological problems and end up with an even more advanced child. You can apply this reasoning as well with the covid so-called vaccinations.

    There are people that, following CV-19 injections who are left violently shaking without rest, and other devastating injuries. Under those circumstances what option do these people have, other than suicide, but to agree to a neuro chip implant? This has all been planned out well in advance and intentional.

    We are dealing with small group of people who are capable of an unimaginable level of viciousness and cruelty.

    They are narcissistic, psychopaths and/or sociopaths. Why are our leaders listening to these evil people? Where are the principled leaders to stand up for democratic Rights and Freedoms?
    That Harari guy openly talks that Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini (of course, he references these “upstanding” fellows) all tried for absolute control over their populations, but couldn’t, didn’t have the technology. But now we do! So, let’s do it!!! He’s all giddy as he joyfully envisions a future of us having a chip implanted in our brains and Schwab old boy shrugs and says “but of course!”
    Pure evil, that’s what these individuals are. Keep your bloody hands off of me, my brain is just fine the way God made me!!!!



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