
Epoché – Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet

In deze eerste aflevering van Epoché, Gesprekken Over Geloof” ging ik in gesprek met Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet over de filosofische aannames die achter zijn wetenschappelijke werk zitten. Het resultaat was een drie uur durende uitwisseling van ideeën, die u hopelijk kan smaken.

Bron: https://epoche.live/index.html

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9 thoughts on “Epoché – Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet
  1. Ja, maar betreurenswaardig dat de conversatie wordt ontsierd door een paar idiote uitspraken van Brecht. Aldus is de splinter in het oog van de criminele elite niets vergeleken bij de balk in ons eigen oog. Stupid!

  2. It is an astonishing fact that there are no more comments on this interview. Does everybody agree with everything that has been said in this interview, including the BS and nonsense? Consider for instance the controversial idea that reality is inherently irrational whatever that may mean. It is highly questionable we could ever know this for certain. But if we consider mathematics a rational discipline, then at least at the most fundamental level, the level that is described and analyzed by physics, mathematics seems eminently fit for the job and reality at that level at least seems to be rational. As we move to more complex systems things become less obvious but the apparent irrationality of reality may simply be due to our incapacity to understand complex systems and the limitations of our own mind and not to any inherent irrationality of the world.

    Or consider Freudianism. I was myself introduced to Freud’s theories a long time ago as an undergraduate and Freud was then one of my heroes for sure. Since a few decades a consensus has formed that Freudianism is after all junk science and that he was by and large a crook. It’s not too difficult to find references to the abundant literature substantiating this claim but as a start try the book by Frederick Crews, Freud The Making of an Illusion (2017, Metropolitan Books).

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