
Er is geen klimaatcrisis, Professor William Happer (Adviseur Donald Trump) – Nederlands ondertiteld

One thought on “Er is geen klimaatcrisis, Professor William Happer (Adviseur Donald Trump) – Nederlands ondertiteld
  1. Ancestors? https://youtu.be/E0bbsq6iGag Because We Are All Related So basically wars are just huge family arguments https://youtu.be/BhtgINeaJWg Why are we here https://www.youtube.com/c/LIFEexplainedMedia

    People are not suffering life. They are suffering the two most fantastic faculties that human beings alone have – a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination.

    And what’t more concerning is this one: The have a lot of major weather change momentarily because we are ending a previous cycle of the kosmos en coming in Aquarius for the next 2000 years and as the word wil be suggested it comes along with a lot of water to clean the previous cycle and see here what’s going on https://youtu.be/G4hVVM5mhfQ Three Large Earthquakes Today June 4th 2022! https://youtu.be/YY559Ki3b3U

    Magnetic Pole Shift, Human Magnetic Sense, Solar Cycle Update | S0 News Jun.4.2022 https://youtu.be/A_1WPr0F3VA

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