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One thought on “Heb je een goede video of kanaal, sluit je aan!
  1. https://hetanderenieuws.nl/br-bugnolo-arresteer-de-criminelen/
    07:15 Hrs. 29-08-’22. Br. Bugnolo: Arresteer de criminelen!
    MONOPOLY is one of the best, and most viewed documentaries of all time, even in an age of extreme censorship, that tries to hide truth. But for those of you who haven’t viewed it yet, I want to give a brief summary, hoping this will tickle you enough to watch it anyway, despite your busy schedule. In our world we see countless brands, names, logos that all seem to compete with one another. There are countless corporations offering different services in clothing, food, travel, technology, agriculture, finance, and so on. There is for example Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola, two major competitors in the field of soda drinks, right? WRONG! There is also Samsung and iPhone, two gigantic competitors in the field of smartphones, right? WRONG!
    There are Mac and PC computers, the ultimate example of two rivals, competing for the largest marketshare of personal computers, right? WRONG!
    There are Mac and PC computers, the ultimate example of two rivals, competing for the largest marketshare of personal computers, right? WRONG!
    There is Facebook and Twitter, competing fiercely for the largest audience in social media, right? WRONG!
    None of these corporations compete with one another. That’s just the surface for the ignorant consumers, like you and me, who are fooled by the different brand names. Sure, these brands used to compete in a distant past, but the stage has been changed long since. Today all those major brands that seem to compete, are essentially owned by one and the same corporation: Vanguard. MONOPOLY shows this on screen, so you can see it for yourself. Vanguard is the one entity in the world that virtually owns all the big industries in the world, be it pharmaceutical, news media, hospitals, technology, travel, food, mining, gas, oil, banking, and so on. This means that almost everything you eat, drink, dress with, sleep on, drive, travel with, read, watch, listen to, communicate with, work from, and so on is all owned by the same very small group of mega wealthy individuals. They have an effective MONOPOLY worldwide on virtually everything. This has been their strategy for decades: “We will acquire the majority of the shares of all companies on the stock market, and also acquire the shares of the other companies who own the rest of the shares. That will give us complete ownership of everything, which then enables us to control the world.” That’s how they were able to control all hospitals, news media, airlines, etc. during the pandemic. To simplify things, we can say the following: during the pandemic, one man who is at the top of this financial monopoly worldwide, just had to say one word, and all the news media, all the major hospitals, all the airlines, all the hotels, and a thousand other companies all jumped to obey this command. Even most nations, who are literally structured as for profit corporations (!), and therefore effectively owned by these same entities, have to jump to the command of their “Owner”. What was the command?

    – mandate masks!
    – mandate lockdowns!
    – mandate vaccines!
    – mandate testing!
    – suppress treatments!
    – suppress physicians!
    – suppress truth!
    It is exactly what we have observed during the pandemic: all over the world physicians saving lives of patients, were fired from their hospitals, and the use of effective treatments was banned in virtually every nation of the world. I am simplifying the situation, as there are several families who collectively own Vanguard (And BlackRock, who sits right under Vanguard), but still that is in essence what it boils down to. One corporation virtually owns the entire world as we know it. That enables a tiny group of people to manipulate all of humanity, to do whatever they want. One command was given, and the innumerable minions of Vanguard jumped to their feet to obey unquestioningly. “Yes, my Lord!”
    Many people can’t believe that a pandemic can be organized on a worldwide scale. But once you understand how the world is structured, and you see that one single entity owns almost everything worldwide, and you discern its hand in virtually every government, then you know that it is in fact very easy to pull of a worldwide pandemic, and impose mass tyranny. The criminal purpose of lockdowns. One of the purposes of the pandemic was to further increase the monopoly of this small group of people. They demanded lockdowns that had to destroy small businesses worldwide, so the billions of consumers would flock from these independent businesses to the mega corporations of these tyrants. In practical terms: countless small grocery stores had to close down for a year, so the entire world population had to get their food from the supermarkets that remained open, and are owned by these criminals. They made trillions of dollars while the small businesses lost everything. Interestingly enough, none of the mega corporations had to close down during the lockdowns. They all stayed open, worldwide. But the small businesses were forced to close, while they have a mere handful of customers per day, and the supermarkets have thousands of people crowding on top of each other, day after day. The risk of infecting others is a thousand times greater in supermarkets, than in any small business. But it’s the local, independent shops that had to be closed. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Yet the mindless masses blindly and unquestioningly accepted this absurd insanity “for their safety”. MONOPOLY confirms what is revealed by the top experts that testify in the Grand Jury Evidence: the world is under attack by a very small group of astronomically wealthy people, who collaborate to seize complete control over everything on earth, that’s not fully in their hands yet. The financial tyrants are behind organizations like the World Health Organization, which is owned and used by these criminals, to execute their agenda of world domination, under the guise of health emergencies, which they fabricate using fraudulent testing, manipulation of data, suppression of treatments, and mass psychosis through media fear mongering. They are also behind the World Economic Forum and United Nations, that claim to improve the state of the world, while in fact their goal is to finish the total power grab over all of humanity, by demanding that all resources, all information, all governments, all power, all industries be handed over into their cruel, greedy hands. What can we do to end this? What is the answer to this? Very simple: Play Their Game no Longer! Don’t going along with their criminal agenda. Wake up the people of the world, by sharing this post, the film MONOPOLY, and the GRAND JURY EVIDENCE like crazy. If you are a small business, don’t give in to their criminal manipulation, but connect with other businesses and build networks that will resist. In Australia a brilliant initiative was set up, where the people can safely shop at a vast network of non compliant businesses, that do not require a vaccine status. (Learn more about this brilliant project). The people must step away from the big corporations, and start shopping at local, small businesses, that are not and never will be owned by these psychopaths. Find farmers, ranchers, butchers, and buy directly from them. It is way healthier, and so much more fun. Start your own small business, and serve the local community with handmade, fresh, natural, unspoiled goods, that excel in quality, way above the toxic crap that is offered by most of these mega corporations. Be creative, courageous and follow your dreams. If you are a lawyer, then rise up to defend the people in your community. If you are a judge, then defend justice instead of protecting criminals. If you are a person of faith and prayer, then pray that this will all be exposed and brought to justice. If you are financially enabled, then support those that protect humanity. We can all do something: distribute flyers, place ads in newspapers, share on social media, send emails and talk to people. Set up a public viewing of MONOPOLY. Organize public viewings of MONOPOLY for your community. I received emails for example from a group of church pastors in Hawaii that organized public viewings of some of our videos like The Battle for Humanity. They gathered hundreds of pastors to wake them up. We can all do this! Rent a place, set up equipment, advertise it on the local radio and in local newspapers, and show MONOPOLY to the people. It can cause tsunamis of awakening. Invite law enforcement officers, lawyers, judges, commissioners, etc. Even if two or three show up, once they see Monopoly, they can become the pebble that causes a rockslide of truth in your community. People of the world, I am calling you to please rise up for real. Stop being an observer who criticizes and judges, but be the answer humanity needs. All of us are born to be heroes. We all have the divine seed of courage and justice planted inside of us. Let’s do it!
    PS: MONOPOLY was first released in Dutch by my friend Tim Gielen, with the title The Great Reset. A group of women in America then translated it into English and called it “Follow the Money”. This unauthorized English version wasn’t very well made, yet it went viral. I then offered Tim my help to completely remake the film info a high quality English production that could easily be translated into any other language. Tim worked on it for many months, during which I directed and supported him. Together we finally released the authentic English version of “MONOPOLY: Who owns the World?” Some people saw the unauthorized, low quality English version “Follow the money” first, and think that MONOPOLY is a copy of that. No. It is the other way around. I do appreciate that people wanted to make the original Dutch film available in English, but I do need to clarify that MONOPOLY is not an imitation, but the Original.
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